Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Do you think I need you here? What is this little game you love to play? I've lost all trust for you. The things you used to say meant something then; but now, it means nothing. All I hear is noise when you speak. It's just these random tones ruthlessly meandering through your throat to reach my carefree ears. My brain has learned to tune it all out. Everything you say is just filth in the form of coherent vibrations that not even the most mindless animal could understand. You may think me rude, but for all intents and purposes, shut the hell up. You have spoken so much slander that not a single person cares about your thoughts. Learn to keep them to yourself, because they only trouble others. The woman I used to know you as is long gone. You used to be intelligible enough to understand. But now, nothing. Just worthless babbling. So take what I have told you, not lightly, but in the heaviest form possible. Just for the love of god, think before you speak.

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