Saturday, January 2, 2010

Hear me out

I'm not reliant on anyone or anything anymore. I've learned to be self-reliant. I've built this wall of hurt between us. I'm not right for you. And I'm not your fucking dog. So get that out of your mind. I'm tired of lingering around here waiting for you to actually return real love to me. Your deeply distorted idea of love is just sad. I know you may think you want to love me but I can clearly see that you don't. You would do me a favor if you wouldn't think of me ever again. It may be hard for you but I can now see that you're obviously superhuman, so it will probably be easier for you. I'm done being trapped in between this friendship and love controversy. You obviously don't know what you want, and I'm obviously not waiting any longer. So pick your shit up and go. And by the way, if this is too complicating for your immature mind, it does in fact mean that im done. So go live your perfect life, you princess.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Do you think I need you here? What is this little game you love to play? I've lost all trust for you. The things you used to say meant something then; but now, it means nothing. All I hear is noise when you speak. It's just these random tones ruthlessly meandering through your throat to reach my carefree ears. My brain has learned to tune it all out. Everything you say is just filth in the form of coherent vibrations that not even the most mindless animal could understand. You may think me rude, but for all intents and purposes, shut the hell up. You have spoken so much slander that not a single person cares about your thoughts. Learn to keep them to yourself, because they only trouble others. The woman I used to know you as is long gone. You used to be intelligible enough to understand. But now, nothing. Just worthless babbling. So take what I have told you, not lightly, but in the heaviest form possible. Just for the love of god, think before you speak.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sieze the day

Have you ever felt as if you are in the wrong place? Like everyone around you can easily go one with their life because they are content with their repetitive day by day schedule where not a single exciting thing happens for them. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they love it. Have you ever felt as if everything around you is moving and you are still. There is no moving for you. Your body is stuck. You gravitate your force in the direction you want to go but you just can't seem to make that step. Because youre unable to move, you realize that it's the people aroud you who are causing you to be still. Their actions are causing your failures. They do things because they're jealous. They know you have big plans for your life yet they won't allow you to move. This venomous binding in which you are held down by, it must be broken. Many people spend their whole life trying to figure out how to get out of it; Tossing and turning in their frustration. Im not one of these people. I've got it all mapped out. I'm not crippled any longer by society. I won't allow people around me to keep me from reaching these dreams. I am aware of failure, but not aware of giving up. It's not an option. I know what I need, I know it won't be easy, but I know I can make it happen. However, these crippling memories fluctuate throughout my mind and cause skepticism. I am afraid, due to the minute amount of people who accomplish these large dreams. You see, many people have my same dream. They think they want it. But they don't want it bad enough. Anything is possible, but it's not guaranteed to be easy. Life is hard. Making dreams come true is even harder. Some people go throughout their lives, day-by-day, suffering. It really is a sadness. Doing things they don't wish to do. I won't be one of these people. I may be nervous. I may have to get out of my comfort zone. As long as I'm happy, doing what I want to do with my life, then it's worth the subtle discomfort. But hey, that's what lifes about, right? Nothing comes easy, but it's worth the fight, guaranteed. Carpé diêm.